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Best Practices to Avoid the Phishing Attacks

In my previous article, I posted about the phishing attacks and different types of phishing attacks. On this article, I will write about the best practices that will help us to control the phishing. Phishing can be prevented somehow if we do follow best practices for anti-phishing. Some of the best practices for anti-phishing are listed below.

Maintaining Firewall & IDs
It is mandatory to maintain proper security infrastructure by installing and maintaining firewall and intrusion detection system. It should also provide security against malware.
Awareness is one of the major things that we need to mitigate the phishing attack. New Intel Security study demonstrates that 97% of individuals can’t recognize phishing messages. Therefore, it is very important to make people aware of phishing.
Updating Web Browser
The web browser is one of the application software where users spend most of their time online, therefore, it must be regularly updated, and security patches must be applied.
Limiting the Information on Email
Personal and financial credential information must never be enclosed in an email and awareness must be practiced for this so that user would know what information they can share in email and what they can't.
Don't Click on Suspicious Link
Suspicious links on email must always be ignored and it should never be clicked.
Reporting Suspicious Activity
Malicious emails and the malicious link must be reported to the appropriate authority and be submitted to the phishing listings like phishtank so that other people will know about it.
Monitoring Logs
Logs from firewalls and intrusion detection systems must be regularly monitored so that any suspicious behavior can be detected.